Topps Seal® Base Coat

Topps Seal® Base Coat all rubber elastomeric provides an economical foundation layer to Topps Seal® coating systems. The enhanced added adhesive package works with the permanently flexible rubbers to provide superior bonding. The Topps Seal finish coat becomes inseparable as these two layers meet and fuse together. The completed combination of elongation capabilities and tensile strength provide superior resistance to meet all climate and thermal change demands. The interlinking network of components unify into a seam-free, single-ply layer of rubber that applies a virtual lock onto existing roofing membranes. The result: a highly elastic seamless top layer bound to the resilient foundation base layer, producing new weathering protection to existing roofs that can benefit from a maintenance procedure for extended roof life. Use Bondit™ bleed through blocker first over bitumen. Specify Topps Seal Base Coat for EPDM/PVC for those specific applications.